Later in the week, we headed back up to Washington to survey a much sandier region--the mouth of the Columbia River. To pass the time while we were on ground crew, one of the interns brought out her new kite! It's been a long time since I've flown a kite, but I had no idea what I've been missing all these years! The force of the wind pulling the kite was extraordinary! Sometimes I had to dig my feet into the sand to keep it from dragging me along! This attempt to stop was often unsuccessful though and I was thrown down into the sand laughing at how helpless I was at controlling the kite!

We weren't the only ones flying kites that day on the beach...a couple of people were harnessing the power of the wind to pull them at very high speeds in a buggy! They would just zoom past us being pulled by their colorful nets of wind! It was then that we got the bright idea to use the jet ski dollies, which kind of resembled the buggies, in attempt to mimic what we had just seen. It did work, but we were never able to gain the speeds we had hoped...or the direction control for that matter...