One thing that was in season was the blackberries!!! They were absolutely everywhere! There were so many blackberries that we were actually able to be selective in our choice of those we picked! We ended up picking an impressive 22+ cups of berries, which we froze for later use. I felt like I was foraging for the winter while we were piling the berries in the bucket and hauling them home! haha!

The longest trip we made while Mom was in town was to Mt. St. Helens in the Cascade Range. We had been checking the weather all week hoping for a break in the clouds to make it up there, but the webcam seemed to always show pretty poor conditions. Toward the end of the week we finally decided (against our better judgment) that it would probably clear up as the day went on. Once we turned off of the uneventful Interstate-5 the view was very nice! The roads appeared to be closed in by millions of dense trees that played tricks on our eyes with their uniform patterns.
We began to see the effects of the blast zone a far distance from the park. There were trees that appeared very young and lots of signs along the road that informed the passer-bys when they were planted.
After driving for ~4 hours we finally arrived at the mountain that had violently erupted only 29 years earlier. To our dismay...we couldn't even figure out which one of the peaks was the eruption site! The clouds were too thick and too low for us to see the crater! Eventually, we did pinpoint the correct mountain, but we were pretty disappointed as the weather conditions became progressively worse with time. Originally we had planned to camp nearby, but it started to rain so we decided to just make a long day trip out of it and head back to Corvallis that night.

For the last day of the trip, we decided to end it at (in my opinion) one of the most beautiful places in Oregon--Cape Kiwanda. This was a particularly crowded afternoon, which was probably due to the PERFECT weather on the coast. We climbed over the huge sand dune at the beach and were finally able to avoid the majority of the crowds. As usual, the views at Cape Kiwanda were breathtaking! The waves were pretty small, but they were still big enough to occasionally wash over many of the dramatic rocks creating the illusion of a waterfall cascading into the ocean.