Saturday, May 1, 2010

coastal hazards working group

one of the talks at the meeting

Last Wednesday I attended the Coastal Hazards Working Group meeting at Beverly Beach, OR.  The group (consisting of coastal planners, researchers, state agencies, and coastal managers) tries to meet a regular basis to discuss common issues of hazards they deal with along the Oregon shoreline as well as share updates about projects they're involved with. 

After the meeting, my friend Heather and I decided to take advantage of being at the coast and check out Beverly Beach before heading back to Corvallis.  Rain showers occurred throughout the afternoon, but luckily, after the meeting there seemed to be a break in the clouds.

The amount of winter erosion occurring along the beach was pretty phenomenal! Sand was stripped away from the toes of the bluffs backing the beach, exposing the hard rock beneath. There was also water seeping out of the bluffs in streams, carving gullies into the rock. Fortunately, this vanishing act the sand plays is only temporary and it will return in the summer months when the waves calm.  With this being an El Nino year, however, it may be a little slower than normal to recover...

Beverly Beach

rubble placed to protect the sand from washing
gullies being carved into the exposed rock

loving the beach...
velella a.k.a. "sail by the wind" jellyfish stranded on the beach

beverly beach
houses perched on the edge of a bluff at beverly beach